Home / Career Tips / How to get a job- RESUME IN FASHION DESIGNING


Today, we’re going to talk about writing a resume, for the field of fashion. If you are someone who’s had a career in fashion, and you want to put together your resume, this resume should demonstrate what you’ve done in the field of fashion, based on your accomplishments. Your career, whether it be modeling or creating a line of fashion. Modeling what you’ve done from a standpoint of developing your portfolio, so when you go into the interview, you will not only have your resume, but you might have samples of your work, so let’s take a look at one of the basic components of writing a resume, in the field of fashion. You would have your name and contact information at the top of the resume.

I would encourage you to have a really good message on your recorder, when you have your cell phone on there, and not something silly with a song. Make sure it’s very professional.

Underneath that, you might have an objective, which would be an objective, I would like to find, seeking a position in the field of fashion, based on five years of experience are, and then you might have a summary.

A summary is going to be about who you are. People want to know what you’ve done, when you’ve done it and where, but when they meet you, they want to know how you think, so if you’re in the field of fashion, and you’re creating a resume, they are expecting you to be creative, so what could you say in your summary, that would demonstrate who you are creatively?

Underneath that, you might have a section called Core Competencies, where you can demonstrate again who you are. Are you a strategic thinker? Are you a creative writer? If you choose not to have Core Competencies, you would move right to the professional experience, or industry experience, or special projects.

You would have the name of the most recent position you’ve held. The city, state, and then the dates to current, or the dates that you have held that employment. Underneath the name of the company, you might want to put an example of who that company is.

Then, you would put your title, of the job that you held there, and then bulleted statements about what you did for hat job. If you are creating fashion, or you were in the fashion industry, you might have had an internship, past that most recent job, and you want to have your degree, and your education on the second page, or at the bottom of the first page. Make sure that there is no misspelling.

Make sure that the resume jumps out with action verbs, that you are able to demonstrate who you are, and you want to be screened in, and not out, so your resume has to be truthful. It has to be honest, and it has to portray that you are a person of integrity, and so therefore, when you get to that interview, you’re going to take your resume, and then maybe samples of your work, to demonstrate your line of work in the area of fashion, so that’s how you write a resume in the field of fashion.

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